So this is what my elders meant when they told me, as in impatient child, that time flies. It does. I can hardly believe that Emilie's 7 and she can hardly wait till she's 8! (Seriously -- About a week after her birthday, I overheard her telling a friend that she's almost 8. When I told her that wasn't quite accurate, she corrected herself by saying she was "seven and a half".) She's really thinking about things and will really kind of shock me sometimes. For example, a little while after we got our computer back in December, we were driving in the car somewhere and she said, "Mom, I know why you didn't get that computer when you went on Black Friday [side note: I was #12 in line and they only had 11]." I asked her why and she responded, "Because God knew you were going to get your computer back and you wouldn't need that one." :)
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