Saturday, December 26, 2009

Nathan's Actual Birthday

Sam going down the slide

The kids' birthdays were a bit of a challenge for me this year...I wanted to do something nice, but didn't really plan ahead, or even have a clear idea of what to do. Nathan's actual birthday was on a Tuesday and since the girls have dance classes on Tuesdays, we did a birthday dinner at McDonald's. It sure was snowy -- our first big snow of the season. We accumulated something like 12" (give or take -- I can't remember the exact amount at this point). It reminded me a lot of the year Nathan was born four years ago. Early morning, when we headed to the hospital, there wasn't a snowflake insight, but by the time he was born (9:48am), a blizzard had started and continued into the next day (just like the one this year). The big news story the night Nathan was born was the airplane that overran the runway at Chicago's Midway Airport, went through the fence and out into the road.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Just days before I flew into that same airport. I remember driving by with Dad when he picked me up. And it was stinkin' cold... I don't think it got out of the single digits while was there. Go figure!