The girls had a lot of fun at their end-of-year recital on the first Sunday of June. Emilie's did a tap and ballet routine and especially enjoyed the tap. Bekah did ballet and her movements were pristine.
Nathan really enjoyed Pre-School at the YMCA this year. It was a good fit for him, as he wasn't quite ready to sit through our school-work every afternoon and yet, wasn't taking a nap anymore either.
Sam, the second morning up at Brad's grandparents' farm near Richland Center in mid-May. I was ready with camera in hand for a plop into the cereal bowl, but that never happened (although it looked utterly possible).
After many months of having a couple of pretty wiggly teeth (and an appointment pending for professional removal), Emilie finally allowed me to pluck one of her teeth out this afternoon! I pulled it out and she said, "Mom, you're bleeding!". It was her tooth, of course, but she hadn't even felt it come out!
Jay made a huge sign for us (thank you!) and we staked it in the yard last night! My Mom made a flyer for us and I'm going to Staples quick here in a minute to make some color copies and put them out with the sign. I also started a blog just for the house -- I added it to my "Blogs I Visit" link to the left. Praying we're able to sell soon (we already moved most of our fall/winter things over to the house on Crescent!).