Nathan, last Sunday looking in the mirror (gigling): "That's my face!"
The first 45 seconds of my grocery trip last night to Aldi with Bekah and Sam: Bekah asks if she can put everything in the cart for me and I tell her 'sure' and point to one of the boxes of cereal that are stacked just inside the door. She grabs it and the rest come tumbling down. In the chaos of trying to hurry and clean up the cereal before someone comes in the door, Sam grabs my car keys and presses the panic button. Amazingly, he can make it work from where we are but, try as I might, I can't get it to go back off. But we must clean up the cereal first. After the cereal is once again stacked precariously, we attempt to head out the 'in' door to turn off the annoying car. We can't go out the in door. I have to take Sam back out of the cart, walk around to the out door, turn off the panic alarm, take a deep breath...And then we started over as if none of it had happened. I'm sure it was pretty comical to those who observed (I was laughing as well)!