Friday, December 26, 2008
More Christmas...


Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wow! I've actually posted a video!!! This was from the other day when I posted about building the sledding track. Not very good at all for lighting conditions and I think my voice sounds funny because it was so cold, but you can kind of get the idea of what was going on.
Nathan got an Uncle Kenny!

One of Nathan's gifts from Brad's parents was a mini beefed-up (is that an oxymoron?) Uncle Kenny! I don't think they knew (or at least remembered) that one of Nathan's uncles is a police officer, but I thought it was pretty funny! The toy even walks around and holds a gun and a nightstick. He's had a lot of fun with it!
I'll be sure to post more later this weekend on our Christmas doings, but I thought I'd get this one up right away.
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!!
And yes, Nathan is wearing a Bears jersey. Much to my (and his) chagrin. However, Jay (Brad's step-dad, an avid Bears fan) is getting up there in years and I thought I should humor him in his old age. ;)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Bet you didn't know WI has mountains too!

The YMCA had a "Storytime with Santa" a few weeks back and I took the older kids. Among other things, they were able to personally deliver their letters to Santa. Nathan wanted a cake, Bekah wanted candy and Emilie wanted a digital camera. I'm not sure which one will be more difficult for Santa to get on his sleigh -- the cake or the digital camera!