We had Sam's 1st Birthday party on the actual day (the 14th of June for those of you who aren't keeping score). It was a beautitful day...until party time! We stuck out most of the rain/drizzle in Brad's parents' backyard, but decided to move inside for cake. Sam was pretty clueless to most of it (it didn't help that he didn't really have a chance to figure it out on his own either -- ahhh, siblings), but really enjoyed the cupcakes. I believe he had two and maybe even part of a third!
He's still quite a peanut for being a one year old and shows no interest in walking on his own, although he does scoot along furniture and has gotten pretty good at climbing onto boxes or low furniture. His weight and height were in about the 5th-10th percentile when we had his one-year checkup about 3 days after his birthday (compared to his siblings, who were almost always above the 75th). He had just hit the 20lb mark, meaning we could put him in a front facing car seat! I'm actually glad he's not a 30lb one year old that's already been walking for 6 months...it's fun to enjoy him more slowly. :)